Health in Hands Chiropractic in Wollongong, are committed to providing the best chiropractic care for our local Illawarra community. Our mission and goal is to help you be as healthy as you want to be.
What makes us unique is that we focus on correcting the cause of the problem rather than just patching it up. Our centre provides practical, easy solutions to help you live a better life. We believe that health is a lifestyle and we work to empower the people who come to see us to have all the knowledge and tools to be as healthy as they want to be. We are as much an education centre as we are a health centre. Knowledge is power!

We are family and community focused and the more we learn about health and wellness, the more passionate we get about sharing it with other people. Dr Traynor regularly speaks at and visits groups, churches, expos, gyms, schools and organisations around our Wollongong and Illawarra area. Dr Traynor is also a proud member of the Chiropractic Association of Australia and the Australian Spinal Research Foundation and also the College of Chiropractic Paediatrics.
Our team are dedicated to providing friendly and professional service and support to each and every one of our Practice Members. Our practice has been purposefully remodelled to provide open, modern facilities, with comfort and practicality in mind.
We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to be well. Our overall belief is that health and happiness go hand in hand and that people are born to be well.
If you have been suffering from back pain, neck pain, headaches or poor posture, in Wollongong or the greater Illawarra area, and want to see if Chiropractic care can help, contact us to book your New Patient Consultation today.